Left to right: Shauna Richards, Rose Manyu, Wellington Ekaya, Hung Nyugen, Lian Thomas, Judy MacArthur Clark,
David Clark, Olga Calatayud, George Oluoch, Bernard Bett
Judy MacArthur Clark, Chair of the Soulsby Foundation Board, writes: “Last October, my husband and I went on safari in Kenya, so we took the opportunity to visit Soulsby Fellows in Nairobi. Many thanks to Lian Thomas (Fellow 2019) for arranging our visit to the One Health Centre in Africa (OHRECA) at ILRI in Nairobi. Our visit was hosted by Dr Hung Nyugen, and we were joined by Olga Calatayud (Fellow 2022) who was visiting ILRI to analyse samples as part of her Fellowship project on parvoviruses in East African wildlife.
In the afternoon we all visited George Oluoch (Fellow 2021) at the Kenya Snakebite Centre – George’s Fellowship project is exploring alternative therapies for snakebite which will be readily accessible to remote communities.
We all got close and personal with the snakes…
….and then relaxed in a local hostelry.
Wonderful to see such incredible Soulsby Fellows in action – benefitting their communities and the environment whilst building amazing careers in One Health.
Sadly my husband died two months later but I know that this was a visit which we both treasured as a wonderful memory.