Month: February 2020

New funding for Soulsby Foundation

The Soulsby Foundation has recently been awarded a grant by the Alborada Trust ( of £25,000 each year for the next five years (2020-24). The Trustees plan to match this funding each year which will allow the Foundation to distribute around £50,000 on Fellowships each year.

The Foundation has received 26 applications for the 2020 Fellowships, a significant increase on last year, so this additional funding is most welcome.

The successful Fellows will be announced in June at the World One Health Congress in Edinburgh.

Diagnosis and eradication of PPRV in Tanzania

2018 Soulsby Fellow, Dr Camilla Benfield, shows the value of her Fellowship for the diagnosis and eradication of PPRV in Tanzania.

Professor Satya Parida, Dr Mana Mahapatra and Dr Camilla Benfield of The Pirbright Institute and The Royal Veterinary College were at Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance.

Video credits: Mpoli Pictures